Brain health matters.

We are passionate about brain health and we want to provide our clients with the best possible results. In addition to our core services, we offer complimentary services such as food sensitivity testing and heart rate variability testing when necessary. This ensures that our clients have the best possible chance of achieving a life-changing positive outcome.

An Optiminds client
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Food sensitivity testing
A client having a food sensitivity test at Optiminds
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Food sensitivity testing

The gut is often referred to as the 'second brain'. This is because the microbes in our intestines play a vital role in creating and absorbing bio-chemicals. These bio-chemicals are the foundations for producing brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) essential for efficient brain function. When the natural balance in our gut is disrupted by poor nutrition, it can significantly affect the brain. 

Attention, mood, and energy issues can occur when the gut produces an inflammatory response to a particular food in the diet. Gut health is now becoming recognised as a significant factor in conditions that involve poor attention and difficulties with mood and behaviour. 

If you want to support your brain health journey with food sensitivity testing, we provide simple finger-prick blood tests to measure your reactions to over 200 different food and drink ingredients.

food sensitivity test
Lauren looking at Heart rate variability monitoring
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Optiminds office


It is not widely known that our hearts actually send more signals to our brains than our brains send to our hearts! 

What's more, these signals have distinct effects on our brain's cognitive and emotional functions. This includes attention, perception, problem-solving, memory, and emotional control.  

Heart rate variability (HRV) measures the commonly occurring beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. An optimal level of HRV is widely recognised as reflecting healthy function and an inherent self-regulatory capacity, adaptability, resilience, and stability. We use biofeedback technology to help you raise your ability to self-regulate your physiology.

Learning to generate increased HRV facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability, which thus has a profound effect on how we perceive, think, feel and perform. 

The benefits of an improvement in heart rate coherence include; 

  • Improved sleep 

  • It helps you to be in charge of your reactions 

  • Find balance  

  • Build resilience 

  • Release stress 

  • Promote stress recovery 

  • Improved cognitive functions 

  • Improved attention 


We offer all clients a free initial consultation and from there we provide differently prices packages depending on the service you require.

women smiling
lauren in a session
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man with glasses smiling


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